FaRM is a free, farmer-to-farmer learning hub with all the tools you need to reduce input costs, boost productivity, and improve soil health.

Farmers have solutions

FaRM offers a one-stop learning hub

  • Mentorship

    You'll get free access to knowledgeable and experienced farmer mentors who can answer your planning and implementing questions.

  • Free online resources

    You can fully customize FaRM to fit your learning style and schedule. Watch videos, complete workbooks and read the course material in your own time.

  • Networking

    Talk shop with other innovative farmers in your area and discuss your challenges and successes. Join online discussion groups and on-farm field days.

We are farmers working together to make our operations more resilient, productive and profitable in the face of climate change.

Join us!


  • What is FaRM?

    The Farm Resilience Mentorship Program - or FaRM - is a program built by farmers, for farmers, to help you integrate beneficial management practices (BMPs) into your operation, like more efficient nitrogen management, advanced grazing management and cover cropping. FaRM offers free online resources, workshops, on-farm field days, mentorship and farmer networks. FaRM is also fully customizable to fit your learning style and schedule: there are options to join workshops online or in-person, or get one-on-one support from a farmer mentor.

  • Who’s behind FaRM?

    FaRM is developed and delivered by regional farm organizations and indigenous partners from across the country, with funding from Farmers for Climate Solutions, which is a coalition of 29 Canadian farm groups.

  • How much does it cost to join?

    Nothing. FaRM is free for all farmers across Canada. Farmers will not be sold any products or services through FaRM.

  • How do I sign up?

    Go to the homepage on this website. There, you’ll select your province or region and what BMP you want to learn about. Then you can choose how you would like to learn (see the next question).

  • What’s involved?

    Farmers are busy people, so you decide how you would like to learn. When you sign up for FaRM, you can choose any or all of the following options: - Independent learning: Use the online resources to learn at your own pace. Read, watch videos and complete workbooks. - Mentorship: Sign up for a workshop with a farmer mentor from your area. You can choose an online or in-person session. - Networking: Join a virtual or in-person meet-up with farmers in your area who are interested in the same BMP as you are.

  • Why does FaRM focus on nitrogen, grazing and cover crops?

    Our research has shown that Advanced Nitrogen Management, Advanced Grazing Systems and Cover Cropping are some of the most effective, affordable and accessible solutions to help farmers increase our resilience in the face of a changing climate. These are also the same beneficial management practices (BMPs) that the government is targeting for the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF), so we wanted to make sure that farmers have the knowledge they need to take advantage of that funding opportunity.

  • Is FaRM part of the government?

    No. FaRM is developed and delivered by independent farm organizations across the country. We receive no money from the government. We are offering training in the same BMPs as the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF), but we aren’t affiliated with them.

  • Does FaRM offer training on other BMPs?

    Right now, FaRM offers training in Advanced Nitrogen Management, Advanced Grazing Systems and Cover Cropping. We hope to offer training on other BMPs in the future.

  • Do I have to be a member of a farm organization to participate?

    No, you do not need to be a member of a farm organization to join FaRM.

FaRM is developed and delivered by regional farm organizations and indigenous partners from across Canada

Find events and mentors in your region by choosing your province from the home page

Get Started

Still have questions? Need help connecting with a Mentor in your region? Have suggestions for improvements?

Send us an email and let us know what province you're in - we're happy to help.