Maximize nitrogen efficiency on your farm while increasing farm profits

Gain the knowledge you need to use nitrogen more efficiently on your farm, so you can prevent nitrogen losses and protect your yields.

  • Sharpen your expertise

    Learn about the agronomic, economic, environmental and social benefits of improved nitrogen management.

  • Build an Advanced Nitrogen Plan

    Make a farm plan adapted to your region and the types of amendments that you are currently using.

  • Use and credit biological sources of nitrogen

    Find ways to consider using and crediting biological sources of nitrogen, like manure and legumes, in your Nitrogen Management Plan.

Ready to pick up some tools?

Register for free and get access to online resources and experienced mentors who can answer your questions. Join other farmers to talk shop about Advanced Nitrogen Management.

Curriculum developed by

and copyrighted by Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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