NBSCIA Forage Nitrogen Fixing Capabilities

July 25, 2024, 1-3:30 pm, Charlo, NB

Join New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association for an afternoon learning what to plant to provide nitrogen fixation for your forage crop. Other topics include: Forage management for pasture, hay, and silage, especially management for high quality perennial forage silage; Forage species selection based on intended uses and environmental conditions; Renovation of forage stands; Alfalfa as a legume; Bt resistant corn borer.

NBSCIA Forage Selection and Cereal Trial Field Day

July 26, 2024, 10 am - 5 pm, Carleton North, NB

Join New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association for a full day, multi-farm tour! Start with a field walk at Graham Farms Ltd, with Dr. Nancy McLean from Dalhousie University, to discuss crop selection for nitrogen fixation in forages. Enjoy a free BBQ lunch at 12:00. After lunch, Jason Wells, NBDAAF forage specialist will discuss forages, European corn borer and BT corn. Next, head over to Albright Farms in Jacksonville to for a tour of their cereal plot trial and to hear from Peter Scott, NBDAAF cereal specialist on NB potential cereal varieties.

10th Annual Atlantic Forage Field Day

Aug. 7, 2024, 10 am - 3 pm, Nappan Research Farm, NS

The 10th Annual Atlantic Forage Field Day will occur at the AAFC Research Farm in Nappan on August 7th, 2024. The forage field day is a valuable experience for producers and industry professionals alike. The focus will be on forage production and quality/quantity measuring, including research highlights from the AAFC scientists as well as field demonstrations and industry presentations. It's also an opportunity to interact directly with AAFC staff, the Maritime Beef Council, and other industry players.

Precision Agriculture Demo Day

July 15, 2024, 1-5 pm, Second North River, NB

Join New Brunswick Soil and Crop Improvement Association for an afternoon learning about improved nitrogen management with a drone on Boscenic Farms.

Need help connecting with a Mentor?

Let us know what province you are in and the topic you are interested in discussing and we will get you connected with a Mentor in your region who can help you implement your BMPs.

Calendar of upcoming events in the Atlantic Region

Are you interested in listing your upcoming event on the FaRM calendar?

If your event supports the same Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) as the FaRM program, we will happily promote it. Use the linked form to provide details.

Vous souhaitez inscrire votre prochain événement dans le calendrier du programme MFR?

Si votre événement traite des mêmes pratiques de gestion bénéfiques (PGB) que le programme MFR, nous en ferons la promotion avec plaisir. Utilisez le formulaire lié pour nous fournir les détails