Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Cover Cropping Course

    1. Cover Cropping Course Table of Contents

    2. Introduction to Unit 1

    3. Unit 1 - Cover Crop Fundamentals

    4. Part 2: Agronomic Challenges

    5. Agronomic Challenges: Droughty or Waterlogged Soil

    6. Agronomic Challenges cont.

    7. Agronomic Challenge - Poor Soil Structure

    8. Agronomic Challenges cont. Wind and Water erosion

    9. Cover Cropping: A Versatile Tool

    10. Agronomic Challenges: Workbook

    11. Workbook for download or online completion

    12. Part 3: Improve your bottom line

    13. Ideal Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio

    14. Improve your bottom line cont.

    15. Part 4: Help the Environment

    16. Farmer's Perspective: Why I use cover crops

    17. Unit

    1. Unit 2 - Introduction

    2. Part 1 - Types of Cover Crops - Legumes

    3. How Sylvan Lake Farm uses alfalfa and peas

    4. Types of Cover Crops - Grasses and Cereals

    5. The benefits of using fall rye

    6. Types of Cover Crops - Brassicas

    7. Planting radishes for soil compaction

    8. Brassicas cont.

    9. Types of Cover Crops - Herbs, Broadleaf, Mixes

    10. Creating cover crop mixes

    11. Part 2 - Crops for your Conditions

    12. Using legumes in dry areas

    13. Part 2 cont. Dry, Wet, Saline, Clay, Sand

    14. Part 3: Cover Crops for your Rotation

    15. Interseeding cover crop into a main crop

    16. Part 3 cont.

    1. Introduction to Unit 3

    2. Part 1: Seeding Cover Crops

    3. How to use aerial seeding

    4. Seeding cont.

    5. Farmer's perspective: How to seed cover crops

    6. Part 2: Managing Cover Crops

    7. Part 3: Terminating Cover Crops

    1. Introduction to Unit 4

    2. Part 1: Introduction to Soil Health

    3. Benefits of Healthy Soil

    4. Part 2: Soil Life

    5. Close look at nitrogen fixing nodules

    6. Part 3: Soil Organic Matter (SOM)

    7. Part 4: Nutrient Cycling

    8. How fall rye can affect the nitrogen cycle

    9. Part 4 cont.

    10. Part 5: Soil Monitoring

    11. Farmer's perspective: Tips to succeed with cover crops

    12. Unit 4 Key points

    13. Final thoughts

    1. Resources for Farmers

    2. Farmer Profiles

    3. Full course as pdf

    4. Workbook for FaRM Cover Crop Course

About this course

  • Free
  • Self-paced learning
  • Create a work plan
  • Mentorship available


Introductory video

Inspiring change, from fence post to fence post